All the world’s a stage…
Shakespeare once said ‘All the world’s a stage’, yet arts organizations seem to be always linked to a place; a street, a suburb, a city or a nation.
We think it is time for a new kind of arts organization. One that goes beyond borders, so anyone, anywhere, can share their stories to audiences around the world.
Beginning in North America, United Stages is establishing a worldwide network of theatre practitioners, artists and arts organizations, establishing a unique platform to share international works on a global scale.
My team and I have some exciting plans coming and we look forward to sharing them and uniting with you along the way!
Nate Jones
Founding Artistic Director
United Stages
United Stages is committed to:
· Importing and exporting productions around the globe.
· Creating a permanent and traveling home for artists across the board.
· The creation and development of new works.
· Sharing the knowledge of the world’s top theatre practitioners to develop the next generation.
· Bringing new ideas and talent beyond the traditional theatre world.
· Developing and implementing school based theatre and arts education programs.
· Doing something unique, with different voices, to reach new and diverse audiences.